The Horror of Waking Up
I woke with a start, unable to see and uncomfortable (the not seeing being the more dire of the two). I was confined, a strap across my waist even though I was laying mostly flat. There was a horrible mechanical drone, constant and unwavering. I panicked, unsure of my location, destination or future. That was the first second…
I clumsily sat up and felt my face, and removed the mask. Of course I was on a plane. I felt ridiculous and looked around to see if anyone else had seen my flailing. They were thankfully all sleeping as well, most lubricated into slumber by the copious amounts of alcohol they provide in business class. My seat mate was snoring loudly with his mouth open.
I never sleep on planes. I usually watch movies, read books, listen to my iPod or play Brain Age on my DS Lite. Mostly, it’s because I can’t get to sleep confined in an uncomfortable chair with engines screaming in my ears. But, it’s also partly waking up surrounded by strangers, covered in sleepsweat and not being able to see.