Dancing in the Rain
The day had been a hard one, filled to the brim with school, homework, friend drama and of course horrible lunches.
After school, it was raining.A simple thing really, raindrops falling from the sky! Sprinkling the ground and wetting anything they touch. I put on my fabulous red rubber boots and stepped outside into this new world.
One of carefree little creatures that fall from the skies, splatting on the hard ground, almost dancing in the air.
I danced with the raindrops until my legs were sore and my boots filled with water. Spinning on air and twirling with the north wind at my fingertips.
Swirling into the skies of beauty and joy, that were raining down on the earth, as though trying to spread it. And on and on I danced with these little creatures. Letting go of troubles and anger, cleansing my soul. For that is the job of these creatures, to cleanse the soul of every human being and leave them happy.
Isn’t it funny how people come home cleaner after dancing in the rain.