Wanna run?
That day I go home, head throbbing in pain, I do nothing about it. I can’t let my mother see what happened. Instead I think of my day ahead. The boys and Darce are downstairs waiting for me to change so we can go outside and finish our project.
I change quickly, remembering to be careful while pulling my shirt on over my sunburnt shoulders and bruised head. Then I run downstairs, grab a notebook and pen, round everyone up and take them outside. My dad’s studying so we’re stuck in the blazing sun.
Two hours later I get a call on my cell phone. Urgh. It was my mother:
“Yeah mom?” I ask.
“The boys’ dad is here.” She says.
“Already?” Looking at my watch I realize they should have twenty minutes left.
“Yes, really. Hurry up.” I hang up and tell them we need to pick up the pace. Xae grabs my hand that he’d had to let go of when the phone rang and started laughing. I gave him a funny look and he said:
“Wanna run?”
“Are you kidding me?” He shakes his head and speeds up. So we run down the trail to my house.