Simple Idea
Its amazing how simple a concept this game is. Pay some money, pick up a floating duck, look at the bottom and win a prize.
I stood staring at them. So innocent, so happy and brightly colored. I watched people play, kids winning small and sometimes medium prizes. Adults forking over cash so their kids could play and trade up for the large plush toy of the cartoon of the year.
I wanted to count them. The movement posed a challenge. I guessed there were about thirty. No, thirty-three.
“You wanna pick a duck?” the carnie asked. I must have been staring for enough time after the wave of kids thinned to have warranted her attention.
I moved away, clearly having worn out my welcome.
So simple, I mused. Millions are made on simple ideas. Simple, likable ideas.
Pre-slicing cheese and bread. Bent wire that holds papers.
I just needed one simple idea, one worth patenting, to make enough money for my family to be comfortable for the rest of our lives.
But nothing simply comes to mind.