
Revenge of the Hairy Potter

“You thugz seen a Ninja named Orenthal James kissin’ it with some berserk werewolves? Some folks call him OJ.”



“Vishizzous Vampires?”

“NO WAY ! Hu ’ Uh!”

“Haven’t seen ‘em, no!”

“Mean Lookin’ Zombies with messed up teeth?”


“NO WAY ! Not that I’m aware of, can’t say that I have, not really…..”

“Well if you do – tell him Ninja Freddy is look’n’ fo` him. Know what I’m say’n?!”

“Ummm Ummmm how did I say that before? Ummm – Did I eva’ tell you that you look coo` n powerful in your fly black jumpsuit?”

“Tryhard, you wanna be a ninja? We just had an opening. Grandmaster Mr. Miagi the 3rd just got iced by Dracula’s mad dawg freaky mean protegee. You want the job?”


“Positive? It’s a tough gig.”

“Um….. think so. Yep.”

“Yo’ not really call’n the Hairy Potter though right?”

“Well, actually he did say that he’d try to come. He was on his broomstick playing ghetto quidditch. He said he had some snitch by the neck, but he’d try to come right away.”

“On tha’ Broom? OH SNAP !”

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