

he walked through the darkness, following a white line that never seemed to end, his yellow brick road in a world devoid of the likes of the lollypop guild or talking scarecrows
he could feel it coming, an ominous rumble building from the ground beneath his tired feet, building up in his weary body
the world around him began to brighten, the light growing and growing,
he lifted his arms in a gesture of resignation, no defiance left in his once proud soul
he stepped to the left of the white line and spun to look into the headlights that got closer with every heartbeat
suddenly, his world froze, he could see the car swerve as the brakes were applied, he could hear the sound of the tires gripping into the asphalt, trying to halt two tons worth of inertia, he then saw the light of the sun, rising over the horizon, only just spilling out on the face of the earth
the sunshine, so perfect…
he stepped back to the right of the line, the sunshine spilling onto his face
he smiled as the car flew on by

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