
Chapter Unknown -- Breakdown

Night fell.

She had been walking 3 and a half hours. She’d barely made it 6 miles. And now the sun is gone.

She lost what little control she had and let out a anguished scream. She collapsed on the ground. She slammed her fists into the ground, pounding it as hard as she could. Her vision blurred with tears as she growled.

Why did she have to be so stupid? If she had only taken help before, this wouldn’t have happened.

She wouldn’t be here, dieing in the middle of the desert. She started to sob again. After a few minutes, she was able to take a shaky breath.

She looked up to the sky and saw ominous thunder clouds in the moonlight. A thunderstorm’s coming in.

She squinted her eyes. Suddenly, a car’s headlights had come into view, blinding her. Without thinking, she stepped out into the road and started to flail her arms wildly.

“Hey you, stop. STOP !” She screamed, she had no self-respect left to lose, so why bother being polite?

The car quickly approached her. Sarah hoped that it saw her.

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