

You had asked me once what do you want to settle for him? I couldn’t give an answer, but now months later I want to ask you the same question. Why are you settling for this man? You tell me that it is not every day that I found someone because of my size so when I do get one I have to keep him. So then that makes it ok for you to settle? You have had relationships time after time. You say that is hasn’t always been that you have had a boyfriend but you have, as long as I have known you. Me on the other hand I have not had relationships at all. And when I find someone that is willing to give me a chance, you say that you don’t want me to settle.

Then you need to take your own advice and not settle I know that you are not truly happy. You tell me night after night.

You just need to get out more and find that guy that wants you for you and not because of the tricks that you can do.

Follow your own advice. Don’t settle.

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