
We Have To Get His Attention

Kyle and Maria were stuck on the church rooftop, presumably where they could do the least harm. Maria sat next to the steeple praying, while Kyle busily searched for an escape route. “Maria, come here quick!” Kyle said, looking down at the street below.

Maria made her way to the edge of the roof. The media circus had begun, dozens of reporters inching as close as they could to the police-tape trying to get idle officers to explain the situation.

Detective Sanders approached the media, a megaphone in hand. “If you’re patient, we will make an official statement within the hour. Thank you.”

Kyle got an idea. “He’s obviously in charge. We have to get his attention.”

Maria looked skeptical.

“We have to find some way of informing him that the real criminal is at large. And these are a bunch of numb-nuts actors who have no idea what they’re doing. Then, the cops won’t hesitate to storm the building and take ‘em out.”

“And we can get out of here.”

“Exactly. The question is: how do we get his attention?”

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