
Triple Polar...That's Impossible.

“Why do you always object to me dropping in to visit you?” he said, as if opening a girl’s window, climbing into her room at (I stared at the clock) eight in the morning is the most common thing in the world?

Man, that sounded wrong.

I leaned over, and flicked his forehead, making him wince slightly from the surprise.

“Stalker!” I said in a sing – song voice, and smiled happily.

He simply leaned over and hugged me a little bit.

“Is it wrong to want to watch over you?” he said, his breath tickling my ear.
My lips pursed together, and I could feel myself turning a very

Ghastly looking?

Shut up!

Crimson shade of red.

I shoved him off of me, keeping him at arm’s length.

“It’s way too early in the morning to have a high heart rate, so get out! There’s school tomorrow, for heaven’s sake,” I said, putting my head down so he wouldn’t see my cheeks.

“I’m glad I have that effect on you,” he said, smiling like a goof ball.

How can someone switch moods so fast? Is he triple polar, or something?!

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