
love hate relationship

She stared into his peircing red eyes,fear being drowned out by pure hatred,”What do you want Ani?”she growled in a low whisper.Antonio or as everyone called him Ani was Ree’s worst enemy-ever since he found out that she was an avian-werewolf Ree’s dark black wings beat faster ready to escape at any second.”I just want to play,you know that.”he said in his sexy,thick british accent.”If i’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times, I won’t hurt anyone except you.” “Awwwww I’m flattered” Ree grabbed a stick she saw on the ground and swung it and hit Ani square in the face.He fell to the ground unconcious.Ree ran to the edge of the forest and flew to her house.She smashed through the open window not caring if her parents awoke. ” What the hell!!! ” Ani shouted when he awoke. ‘I can’t believe that she got awwy from me…AGAIN!!!’ Ani thought.

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