
20 hours left

Conveniently one hour later at exactly 9:00 the secretary now known as Lola… Robertson and the two other unnecessary background people discovered a clue. “Jack, Lee Adama just found a cylon and a Nazi!”

“Thats right. Even former CAGs need eyes as sharp as my own.”

”...what?” asked Jack.

“Doesn’t matter. Anyways, if you look at the third frame you’ll see a 6 taking -“

“What a ‘6’? I don’t watch BSG damn it!”

“Sorry. In the third frame you’ll see a tall blond woman talking Chaney’s wallet and then walk BEHIND the Lincoln Memorial. After that she simply… disappears.”

“O.K. so I’m going with secret doorway to secret Nazi/Muslim/Cylon base. How many S.W.A.T. can we get on hand?”

The secretary and the two background guys type on the computer for a few moments before looking up. “0. But think about it, S.W.A.T. would distract from the main character. Expect little resistance. Non major characters only show up to die and show the main character is in real danger. Says so on Wikipedia.”

“Right. Move!”

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