
The New And Improved Model J

The old Jameson would have melted when Becca smiled at him like that. The new and improved Model J, however, ignored her and signaled the bartender instead. Becca would not be outdone, however. “So, is Paul ever gonna get here?” Becca asked. “I’m starting to think you’re up to something.”

“Funny story,” Jameson said. “I raced him here proving once and for all that the Vespa is mightier than the Ram.”

“You beat him here?” Becca asked, absolutely amazed.

“The best man always wins,” Jameson replied.

The bartender finally came over to take their order. “Welcome to Chili’s. Can I get you some drinks or an appetizer? How about a margarita?”

Becca started to order, but Jameson cut her off, “We’ll have a round of Presidente Margaritas,” he said. “And miss, shaken, not stirred.”

When the bartender returned with their drinks and shook the margarita shakers, the girls laughed, finally getting his joke.

They were practically eating out of his hand by the time Paul arrived, but Becca still had a plan.

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