I stood, my posture erect. The cruel human metals glimmered faintly like stars, only much more harsh against my mind. The thin girl danced around me, her face cheery and red with the champagne that she had been drinking. A boy swung her about in his arms. Their movements were tipsy and irrational, I watched feeling another headache come over me. It stung my temple and made me shout.
“Are you alright Tera-la?” The brightly dressed girl asked, her beautiful face amused. Of course I was not freaking alright. Ever since the pretty surgery a few weeks back I had been getting worse. The headaches stung my head and sounds were like bullets going off in my brain. My site had gotten much better, but I figured that was due to the sugery. It was the surgeries fault. As my friend said my name, a resounding pain exploded in my head.