
Traffic on 12th

Morning traffic in the city. Driving 12th street where it turns into Tucker. Stop and go in front of the civil courts building, a fire engine pulls out of the station ; maneuvers against traffic. I need to get over to the far right at least a block ahead of my upcoming right turn. A burgundy truck gets stopped ahead and to the right of me by someone trying to back up in traffic and grab a vacant parking space in front of the courthouse.He needs to get in my lane. I let him in .
The guy behind me punches his horn. But I’m cool.No worries. It’s June, it’s sunny after weeks of gloomy rain.
Listening to tunes on the radio, thinking about my work day.I’m so glad I don’t have to be in court today.
Burgundy truck hesitates, he can’t believe my courtesy. I beep my horn, waving him over.He gets back in the right lane and puts a blinker on to make his right. While turning he raises his left arm( tan,muscular and has a nice looking watch.) Driving on I smile;consider how nice it just might be to see the rest of him.

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