
My Delusion

Even though your gone, your still here to me.
While your off at school I sit at home,
Sick and depressed,
Thinking of you.
So hey, how are you doing?
Good? Thats good.
How am I? I’m alright,
I’d be better if I with you right now.
You type on your iTouch,
Responding to my every word like you used to.
I wait, thinking of what to say next,
Thinking how I can make you happy.
Even though things are a bit hard right now,
My mother had just found that movie we were looking for.
I’d love if you came over after church this Sunday,
So we can watch it together.
Convenient, eh?
How it pops up at the worse time.
Thats how my life is, though.
Misery, irony, the like.
But that doesn’t affect me anymore.
I may cry from time to time,
Wondering why this had to happen…
But at least I’m stronger.
Yeah, about yesterday…
I’m sorry for everything I said.
I was angry, just like you get some times.
And I know you’ll forgive me, maybe not now.
Oh, please tell Sarah I’m sorry.
She shouldn’t be punished…
And neither should you.

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