Hanks Tale:Element of Danger
The skinny dude, whose name was Tomcat, sat next to me, I’m Hank, I was driving.
Jared and Britney, high as usual, were making out like rabbits in the back seat, uncaring of Big Paulies goons hot on our trail. Drugs will do that to you.
I worked for the FBI , now the starcrossed lovers in the back seat had no clue, they thought I was a dumb hick from the sticks. The new guy, well he added an element of danger. The mob. I could only hope he didn’t put the make on me.
Turns out I had nothing to fear. He wasn’t as high as Romeo and Juliet back there, but he was just as stupid.
“So, palsie, how much is my take of the loot?,” said the former Big Paulie’s goon, our partner in crime.
How to lose this loser,short of killing him was my biggest worry.
“Well know, fars I sees it, this here is all up to the young folks in da back to be decidin,” I said in my best southern hillbillie voice.
I must have been convincing, because Tomcat bought my show hook, line and sinker.
Tomcat smirked at the lovers in the back.