My Vision
It looks like earth. Like home. I’m instantly homesick. I find that I can’t control where I’m looking, but I don’t freak out. Why? I wonder. I feel a little woozy, like I took a sedative. Suddenly my vision starts to change. I’m looking in a mirror, but something is definitely wrong. I don’t see my reflection, I see a girl’s reflection. Suddenly she starts talking.
“You were in danger. I saw the men with my power. Its new, so I can’t see very clearly, but they would have hurt you, and nothing on Earth, except a direct confrontation could have saved you. The people in charge weren’t willing to risk it,” she paused, “I guess.” She looked like she thought that the last part was a bit lame.
“Sorry, I guess I’m not doing a good job explaining it. But you were sent there. I’m almost out of energy. You have to find a Jeevne. I’m not sure if I’m saying it right.”
The vision started to get hazy, and I think she said a few more things, but I couldn’t understand them. I woke up with her words fresh in my mind.