“How much is it listed for?” I asked.
“8 bucks,” Edgar answered. “I’ve got the listing her on my Macbook. You should check it out, dude. Here, look – she’s some kind of voo doo witch doctor and she’s got 100% feedback with 2079 sales. She must be doing something right, bro.”
“It’s ridiculous,” I said. “To think I could really get even with Sarah for dumping me with a voo doo doll… Do you really think it would work?”
“Just a click away, dude. What’s your PayPal ID? Let’s buy this little thing, dude! Get your MoJo working,” Edgar said, grinding his hips and humping the air.
“Where is it? What the hell, it’s only money, right?”
“Exactly, dude! Here, check it out!”
Ebay Listing: 6666666666666
Here we have an authentic Haitian Voo Doo doll up for bid.
9 Inches tall, 2 inches wide
Hair: Black
Eyes: Red
This Poppet doll should be nailed to a tree with a shoe of your victim near the cemetery as a message to the afterlife. Item sold “as is”, though my feedback rating speaks for itself.