
Jenunique and "The" Google {Googler Challenge}

To my surprise, when I typed in Jenunique, the great Google returned results 1 – 10 of about 1,920. ( In no less than 0.14 seconds.)

The first link was jenunique-, and after following said link, found that I ended up on a site that contained “Unique Hand-Painted Personalised Gifts For Children.”

Although, there were no children on the front page, the ladies wearing the fashions were quite lovely and the colour scheme was a soft muted rose. I was pleasantly amused.

What really made my morning, was the third link down. (Second, if you don’t count Google “sub- linking.”) I rubbed my sleepy eyes and blinked (though the smile was already on my face.)

Ficlets | Jenunique’s ficlets, by Jenunique,

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