That would be fantastic. That would be a magazine I’d actually read. (I hate magazines and all my friends think I’m the weirdest person ever. I also hate shopping. My brother, on the other hand loves shopping. magazines, and chick flicks. Go figure. Our genes must have gotten mixed up.)
This is actually an interesting idea. You’d have a built-in audience for the rag. However, I think literary magazines usually have a very low subscription rate, so this probably wouldn’t be profitable for one of those publishers, who are all pretty much hemorrhaging money right now anyway, to pick up. I love the idea, I just don’t think it’s feasible. Could add the interview idea to this site though, and enhance the featured ficlet idea.
Good idea but a couple of things that have to be worked out: 1) Will the authors be compensated form the proceeds? Or will the cost of the mag purely cover the cost of printing and delivery? 2) You’d have to work out a way of representing a series and worse a network of ficlets.
THX 0477
John Perkins
PyroPunk 51 (PPP LoA)