
Bagman: Match Found

My console chimed. I turned towards it and keyed the display.


I smiled.

Micah Herminio Benito, a.k.a. Benny
Birthdate: June 2, 2010

“Benito?” I mused aloud. The screen began to scroll down Benny’s rap-sheet. By the third page, I shook my head. Real nasty character, this one. Multiple suspicions for murder, but nothing had ever been stuck to him. Drug trafficking, illegal arms deals…Benny was up to his neck in black market trade.

“No way that could be your boy, Micky.” I dove further into the records to try and pull a parentage report from the database.

“Gotcha,” I said. Benny had been pulled in at age seven, defacement of public property. He’d been picked up by Reyes Marina Benito.

“God. No shit?”

I fell back in my chair, lit a cigarette and opened my desk drawer. Bottom right, in the back, an old-fashioned picture frame. Academy graduation, young, fresh faces posing for an old camera.

“Miguel Abel Benito,” I said and touched the picture. “Not how you’d want your son to turn out.”

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