Ok Jen… I just had to go here, you gave me such a lovely setup. BTW , the lyrics of two different Olivia Newton John song’s are in this Ficlet. Trivia question: What are the lyrics and what songs? No cheating by looking them up on the internet. Oh and yes, guilty pleasure… I was listing to the songs when I wrote this.
Well, “Physical” is one of them, but I don’t know any other songs by her. Should be “set of the Olivia Newton John’s ‘Physical’ video.” Strike out the “the.” Other than that, another good entry. I like how you described them setting up to fight. Very well done.
Love that you took up the legwarmers. I so wanted to add that, but didn’t want to write the next installment. ALSO , found an interesting martial arts “thingy” called hapkido which will go perfectly with the descriptions you added. . 5*’s… since they aren’t cooperating. :/
Well done Pyro! Thanks Jen, oh and great work on the Hapkido too. BTW , glad to hear it isn’t just me having issues with the ratings. I’ve been having trouble with comments too.
John Perkins
PyroPunk 51 (PPP LoA)