I am Brit (Attempting to avoid Cooper)
Stupid, dumb, retarded, fucking Mondays.
I. Hate. Mondays.
In particular, this Monday. Why? Because it’s pretty damn easy (usually) to avoid Cooper on weekends (As long as I don’t leave the house… which after our little ‘escapade’ I didn’t). On Mondays, however, it was inevitable. Actually, on any day of the school week it was inevitable, but Mondays were always the first, and therefore, the worst.
And there he was. Of course. At his locker, and I had to walk right by him.
How utterly fantastic.
He saw me, of course, and grinned, of course, and ran over to talk to me, of course. Stupid, dumb, retarded, fucking Mondays.
So I instantly started talking to the closest person to me so I could at the very least yell at him for interupting.
“Hi!” I said brightly to whoever-it-was.
Emo-girl blinked up at me, “Um… hi?”
“You’re Ceirra, right?” I said, suddenly realizing who I’d spoken to. I smiled to myself, seeing Cooper falter in my periferal vision.
“Uh… yeah?” she looked at me like I was an alien.