
If she's everything you've ever wanted, part 21

“Poor Kevin…” said Elle “It’s too bad he didn’t get to experience life to the fullest…”
I nodded, and wrapped and arm around her.
“That’s why think it’s wise to live every day as if it were your last.”
She gazed into my eyes, as if the words Id spoken were the most beautiful music to ever settle upon her ears. Her smile gave me an unextpected fluttering in my chest. I wanted to say something, anything… but there are some moments that dont need words, and some even greater that dont need music…
My tongue was numbed by a paralyzing chill running down my spine and the loud thumping of my heart against my chest. When I finally said something, it was so faint that I’m surprised Elle could hear me.

I saw her heart melt beneath her sparkling blue eyes. All she did was say my name in return, in the same faint tone of voice.

Until now I was unaware of how close our faces were; to the point where our noses were only an inch or two apart. My eyes sunk into hers as I leaned in…

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