
Keen Sensation; An Endless Pit pt.2

“Oh Sorry, Kid. Well Do you have like an aunt or an uncle, cousins, anyone?”
“Nope, nope, nope and not at all” Simon responded
“Friends’ parents?”
“Well…Maybe.” Simon thinks for a second then finally writes down a name on the paper he had to fill out.
Emma Fabian
“Well if you’re going to do that. You’re going to have to put down the person who you know this contact through.”

“Her daughter?” Simon asked
“If that’s who you know her through, then yes.”

Simon picks the pen up again and begins to write.
Madison Fabian (Daughter)

“Now you can head over to that phone over there and just dial the number.”
Simon begins to dial the number and waits for someone to pick the phone up.
“Hello” A voice on the other side said.
“H-hi Madison?”
“Oh my God, Simon?”She asked.
“How’d You know?”
“I can never forget your voice..ever!”

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