
From Inside The Wonderball

Inside the Wonderball is not like one would think.
It’s a small room with many magazines and books, a few chairs and a giant circle window and one large door with the number 37 on it.

Emily can talk to Dana by standing in front of the window. If she talks too fast sometimes the window can’t keep up, plus sometimes he interupts.

He is an older man with a long white beard, he calls himself Ed.

“Emily once we leave this ball, we only have thirty-seven hours to take a new form, or we’ll die. All you have to do is go through that door, a woman in the next room over will teach you how to take over someone’s body. It’s really freaky stuff, I couldn’t make it through the entire class.”

Emily is crying, she looks up at Ed and begs.
“Please there must be another way!”

Ed smiles

“Emily there is another way, the way I’ve been waiting for. On the outside, there’s a man who can help us.”

Emily walks over to the window and tries to tell Dana that someone can help her.

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