
The Lifeless Party

Luckily, he was there when I arrived at the party so I wasn’t completely surrounded by people I didn’t know. He left me in an uncomfortable situation anyhow, since he was already hard at work on a game of Halo with the guys. So I ended up sitting on the couch admiring the subtleties of the back of his head, boring an invisible hole through his skull as if trying to read his mind.

Apparently he noticed, as he turned around about ten minutes into my hole-boring process and struck up a typical conversation about life and his long-distance girlfriend. I ended up bored out of my mind, but talking to him was better than anything else that I could’ve been doing.

Up until that point the party was a bust, but it suddenly took a complete turn when the ramblings and swearing of a homocidal drunk man interrupted the monotony. It was, at least I thought, something I could tell my friends about later.

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