
Please don't..

Please don’t say you have to leave.
Don’t say the words you know will crush what’s left of my broken heart.
I can say I don’t care, but you know the truth. I am truly nothing without you. And if you left, the truth would be gone.

Please don’t say I have to be strong.
Don’t say the phrases that’ll transform my heart to steel: never feeling, never real.
I can say I won’t mind, but you know the truth. Without you, I’m just Achilles heel. And When you leave, I’ll never be strong.

Please don’t say it’s OK to cry.
Don’t say the release to my pent up anger, and shame, and fear, and pain.
I can say I don’t care, but you know the truth. I’m only human, and that’s what I hate. I wish i were a god, to divert your fate. But please don’t… let me start that again on a more positive note. Please, whatever you do. Please, just please, take all the truth with you.

I don’t want to hear what I already believe.
I don’t want to feel that I have to belong.
I never want to say goodbye.

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