
Healing Paul{The Great Supporting Character Challenge}

“Paul, I think you should ask Kristen out, you know you like her,â€? I said, trying to convince my shy best friend to take the chance. I had no idea if Kristen would say yes , no or beat it. But Paul lacked self confidence.

I felt it my duty to get him out of his shell.
“Look Paul, why don’t I get Ashley to ask Kristen to meet us for tennis?,â€? I said reassuringly.

He stammered, hem and hawed, his face turned every shade of red in a painters palette.
“I don’t know… Greg,â€? Paul said, I think I’m.. coming down with the…the flu.â€?

“Paul, you do not have the flu,â€? I said, patiently, “What you have is a bad case of shyness. I’m trying to heal you bro.â€?
Paul smiled that awkward boyish grin that told me he would trust me and allow me to heal him of his shyness.

Now how was I going to get Ashley to get Kristen to agree to play tennis with us. Those two hate each other. They both think Paul is a nerd. And I can’t hit a tennis ball to save my life.

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