Rutaffo, the Super Ref [Great Supporting Character Challenge]
The scene felt hushed despite the utter chaos. Captain Awesome and Baron Mouton locked eyes, mortal enemies of superhuman ability ready for the battle to end all battles. This would be the end.
A shrill whistle sliced through the din as Rutaffo, the Super Ref came zipping onto the scene, suspended within his glowing Sphere of Fairness. Onlookers, sidekicks, and henchmen alike paused to mark his entrance. This battle was going to be big.
Coming to rest between the principles Rutaffo began rapid-fire, “This’llbeanoholdsbarredknockdowndragoutbrawl, Queen’srulesMarxistexceptionsandallgreencodes. BystanderrulesapplyasdoToledoconventionmarkers. Doyouagreeandyouandallrelatedpartiesheretoforesosaid?”
The arch-enemies barely had time to nod before the whistle blasted again and Rutaffo soared into the sky some 30 feet. Both men collected themselves and re-engaged their death-stares. Muscles tensed, and curses muttered.
One last whistle followed by Rutaffo’s trademark, “Aaaaaand, GO!” The fight was on!