

The children watched Annie, and longed for the flower. “Annie! Annie!â€? they all cried. Why do I get the flowers, and not them? She wondered.
When she lined up for her soup, she deftly stuck her flower in her dress. Zachariah watched her put the flower away. The three-year old stuck out his hand expectantly. “I want! I want!â€? he cried. “Shush.â€? She whispered. He continued to pester and beg until he had drawn one of the guards’ attentions. “What’s going on here?â€? Annie didn’t look him in the eye. “It’s nothing. He wants me to pick him up.â€?
“Yeah, well make him shut up.â€? She exhaled, and held up her bowl. A small amount of some watery substance was poured into it.

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