
An Offering

“Queen Reita, mighty Reita!” She shrieks, writhing against other hot bodies in the crowd. The palace temple glows in the morning light, but soon the glimmering steps will foam with blood. Sheda howls at the thought of the sacrifice, of her sweet reward.

The boy sits by her feet, his face different from those around him, less proud. Though Sheda has just completed her seventh year living, she has already found a sacrifice to bring to the temple. This boy will die, to honor her people, and she will bathe in the glory of her first offering. Her long blonde hair sways at her waist, the elaborate tattoos of flowers wind up her arms, looking almost alive as she squirms in the sunlight.

Reita holds up her hands and calls to the people, to the Sun God. Sheda rushes forward, propelled by the tide of flesh as the crowd surges toward the temple. She holds the boy against her and runs when they get close enough. She reaches the steps first.

She pants, “For you, Queen Reita, and for the gods, my first sacrifice!”

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