
What the war brought : Chapter 5

“Maria”cried the man who’s name was Rick.
“Maria, your ok!” cried Rick running towards her.
She turned around and her face looked as if she was steam pressed but it changed to the skin rippling.
“Maria what…...what happened to you?” asked Rick.
“Get away from my baby!” screamed the Maria.
“Maria it’s me Rick your husband.”
“Get away!”
She suddenly stood perfectly still and became silent. She dropped the baby which Drake figured out was dead. Her arms streched.
“Maria what….what are you doing.” asked Rick.
Her arms stretched and wrapped around Rick then her arms began to mold around him. He began to struggle.
“Don’t worry honey the acid will only burn for a few minutes.” said Maria calmly.
Rick began the scream as her skin molded his entire body then his head. He was finally completely wrapped but was still struggling and screaming. Then the screams intensified and steam rolled off her skin. This was clearly the acid part. Drake turned and began to run not hoping to fall victim to her.

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