The Religious Observations of a Common Canine
“So did you catch the game last night?”
“The one with the squeaky ball, when you were selling your soul to the Man?”
“Nah, the other one. On the moving pictures box.”
“Hmph! Like I would ever stoop to watching that thing. It melts your brain, you know.”
The dog stared blankly at the cat, his tongue lolling.
”...not that you have anything to worry about.”
“It was awesome!”
“What was?”
“The game!”
“Oh sweet Ceiling Cat! I didn’t watch your stupid game!”
The dog cocked his head.
“What’s a See-Ling Kat?”
“The highest being that exists. He created everything. I don’t expect you to understand.”
“So he created squeeky balls?”
“And smelly things to sniff.”
”..I suppose so.”
“And those big shiny loud things that go zoooooom! down the street that we chase all day?”
“I would expect.”
“I like Ceiling Cat.”
“But you can’t! You’re a dog!”
“I can’t help how Ceiling Cat made me, you know.”
The cat stared at the dog for a long moment before proceeding to clean her fur in disgust. “Dogs.”