


The girl was falling thru the air, but she couldn’t breathe. Pushing her arms forward, trying to gain some sort of stability, she spun around. Grabbing the thick cord that hung in front of her, she tried to find where it had come from. As she looked up, her surroundings changed, & she was underwater.


Now she was deep underwater, too deep to see the light of the sun. She closer her eyes tightly, and crumpled up into a fetal postion. She still could not breathe, and when she opened her eyes, she sensed blackness infringing on her silent world. She felt herself sinking deeper and deeper into the aquatic abyss. Then, the world flipped over, and the water rushed out around her body.


She breathed. The world was right again, and she was back in her backyard. People were milling around her, and she realized she was lying next to the pool.

“Chelsei? Can you hear me, babe? You passed out in the pool! But you’re alright now. Chels? Babe?”

Blinking, she opened her eyes. And died.

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