
Searching For Renita

- Carlene -
I made it back to the cave, my legs had moved quickly. I didn’t find anything! My father’s words echoed in my head.
“Renita!!” I screamed at the mouth of the cave, no answer. I began moving around following her scent, it stopped but the lake. I could tell she hadn’t gone in so I doubled back.

Went I reached the mouth of the cave following her scent, again, to a tree. I stopped there, not sure whether to go in or to wait for her. “Renita!?!” I called into the openning. There was a muffled sound from inside, I couldn’t tell whether it was Renita or just a racoon.

A howl from behind made me turn, it wasn’t my pack. They must still be looking for Renita. I thought, laying my own head back and letting an earpiercing howl rip from my lungs. Even if Renita’s was miles away she would hear that. An answering howl came from inside the tree, so it was her, my mind said racing to think of a plan.

“Renita, get out of there.” I whispered, the howls were getting closer, now my pack too. “Hurry!”

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