
Wishful Thinking...

“And I can’t make it on my own, because my heart is in Ohio. So cut my wrists and black my eyes, so I can fall asleep tonight, or die. Because you killed me.” The lyrics she heard while she was sitting at her computer on that hot hot summer day listening to Hawthorne Hights on limewire, she was thinking about him of course. Dreaming about the day he will ask her out. She can’t be sure he will, he’s not sure he will either. Wishful thinking though. So many people say, “What’s not to like?” Well she doesn’t know, maybe it’s the fact he likes anohter girl that he doesn’t have a chance with and he knows it, but of course that girl still teases him. Poor guy… hopefully he will see that she like him, and that he has a chance with her, the emo girl that listens to Hawthorne Hights and has absurd day dreams.

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