Chaos would come of this, but chaos meant opportunity. Great line that aptly sums up every thought before it in Cole’s mind. And now I brace myself for what’s to come!
I like the idea of chaos leading to opportunity. Huh. Also, where you write “the semi-dark of the house,” I think “semi-darkness” works better with the syntax of that sentence, but if you can’t spare the characters, who cares. This is still brilliant.
It seems like you’ve never noticed how much of a ficlet god you are… I’ve never been disappointed by your writing. This series is as stunning and as intricate as either a persian rug or a tapestry (my brain is similie-dead right now, so might as well use both). Estrellas mias, you have a gift my friend.
John Perkins
Hunting Beauty
♠Ana Cristina♥
Saint Chuck
THX 0477
g2 (la pianista irlandesa)
PyroPunk 51 (PPP LoA)