Aw man, think of all the heroic tales that would be lost! No Lancelot and Guinevere :( No Uther Pendragon. No Merlin. This makes me sad. (But really great job on the ficlet :) You captured what the crowd might have been like when Arthur attempted it very well!
lol. this is an awesome idea, and one i never would have thought of. i agree with melia that its sad about having lost all of the legends as a result…but awesome ficlet, and perfect for this challenge. thanks for entering!
LOL ! I love Arthurian tales, and you have taken them away, waaah! Really humorous though. I wonder what reaction the people watching had in those few seconds.
John Perkins
Six Feet Under The Stars
PyroPunk 51 (PPP LoA)
Mistress Elsha Hawk
THX 0477