When you first start to love someone- in either sense of the word- you don’t see their flaws, or their weaknesses. It’s that high you get on when you find a new friend, you think they’re awesome, amazing, and perfect. You’re blind to their flaws.
After a while, that high wears off. You’re view is more accurate. That person is still awesome, amazing. But you’re not blind. You see those flaws, those weaknesses that everyone has. Because no one is perfect. This isn’t a bad thing.
This isn’t a bad thing because once you recongize those flaws, you can accept them.
That’s not an easy thing to do.
But when you accept them, is when you really, truly, love that person. The whole person. You don’t just love the good, awesome, amazing things about that person. You love the whole person. You love their flaws and weaknesses, because they make the person who they are. The person that you love.
I love you guys (you know who you are). Everything about you guys. I’m gonna miss you all so much.