

Emily sat in a fetal position staring blank eyed at the images flashing before her.
What sister? she questioned herself
She tried to speak to the devilish mass before her but only breathy notes came out.
Flames of all colours arose in a circle around her.
“Look!” the mass snarled, “she attempts to speak” The flames snickered and grew higher, covering the blackness above Emily.
Please Emily forced let me go, i did nothing to deserve this
This time only the mass, once a harmless toy that seemed only for fun heard.
“You attempt to trick me girl, well you were wronged but we all are at one time” Emily shuttered at the snake like hissing shrieking out of its mouth.
Emily closed her eyes over and over again, as if hoping she would wake up from this nightmare, but she couldn’t, because she was falling, falling further into the black darkness.

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