
The boy and girl

There was this boy who went out with this girl. He had liked her for quite a while. When they finally went out, he thought that he had found the girl for him. But that all changed she broke up with him. The boy was heartbroken. He cryed that night, and the rest of the nights durring that week. High school had begun and the boy and girl were getting to be better frineds. But they were not like what they used to be. The girl had been going out with this other guy. He was really into her. They went out for a while, longer than they did. Durring that year, the boy found girls that he liked and went out with them. But the boy, for some reason, still had feelings for that girl that he went out with. Weeks and months went by and they talked more often. Then they went to a party. They both flirted a lot with each other. But later that weekend, they talked on the phone. The boy asked why she was all upset that night. She asked “Well what if it has to do with you?”. Then some how they got into who they liked.

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