Good continuation. In the first sentence, though, I don’t know if I’d write that he squeezed his eyes closed to shut away the burning tears. That seems like an overstatement to me. Maybe write something like, “He squeezed his eyes shut to push away the burning tears.” I’m sure my edit is not perfect, but just wanted to give you an example. ;)
Cool, so the previous one was him being executed. One note though, is that I’m pretty certain doctors cannot perform executions; it’s against their Hippocratic oath. As far as I know they’re not even supposed to be in the room. Not sure if it’s the same in all states though. Really, a very minor nitpick in an otherwise brilliant story.
Yeah, I did a little research into it. A doctor is present to pronounce the subject dead, but he cannot actually participate in the execution. Maybe it’s changed since the information that I read, but I’m not 100% sure.
♠Ana Cristina♥
John Perkins