Done! Sorry it took so long. Been down sick the last week or so, and killer migraines. Anyway, that’s all I’ll be writing on this particular series. I enjoyed it, even though I think I lost my direction a bit. Either way, hope you guys enjoyed it.
Awesome ending! It works so well that it’s told out of order because it makes this last installment have that much more weight and irony to it. Man, I already posted the winners of the challenge, but I feel like I have to give you a belated award. This was a great series, even if it wasn’t written within the deadline. [Tries unsuccessfully to rate this six stars]
Ha, I wasn’t going for a reward. Just had an idea when I was reading some of the other Out of Order Challenge ficlets and decided to contribute. Thanks for reading it, though, and I’m glad you enjoyed it!
I think the fact that you never really describe exactly what happened really adds to this, especially given the out-of-order confusion to it all. Brilliantly done, as usual.
♠Ana Cristina♥
John Perkins