Flawless, seamless integration of the Sam Spade style noir detective tale and a sci-fi robot story. Impressive and a fun read, especially the bit about ‘screaming impossible code’. Genius!
I agree with THX 0477 , and I like the spin of a android/robot hardboiled detective story. BTW , I wrote a sequel.
I agree with THX 0477 , and I like the spin of a android/robot hardboiled detective story.
BTW , I wrote a sequel.
I too loved the bit about “screaming impossible bit.” Nice writing. Sounds like it was fun to write!
Ha, the Asimo as a museum piece. Great stuff here. An interesting juxtaposition of the two styles that works really well.
“Ancient, 20th century.” Love it. And yes, the interfacing fantasy bit was a good chuckle.
I bet she screamed impossible equations during the better parts. Hilarious.
I like all the little details that add a bit of realism to the piece.
THX 0477
♠Ana Cristina♥
John Perkins
[ wall.doll ]