Meeting on the Bleachers [2]
“I knew i could never trust you Lex..” I looked straight down. “Well here it goes…Jayden.” I looked right at him. “Lexie made out with her ex boyfriend Lenny.”
“Wait..what?” He said. “Is this true?”
“Yup I was there. I saw it, and so did Aiden.”
“Lexie…” Was all he could say.
“Jayden..i-” Lexie tried to apologize.
“We’re over.” And with that he got up and left.
Lexie started to cry. She walked right up to me.
“I hope you’re had to tell him?”
“You told Bobby..”
“She looked away and left.
“So you did kiss Aiden..” Bobby brought up again.
I wasnt gonna lie.
“Yes..I sorry.”
“Why’d you do it?”I could see the hurt in his eyes. “Its cause you love never loved me..”
“No Bobby! I do love you.”
“You wouldn’t have done that if you loved me.”
I walked up to him. “Bobby im sorry..but what happens’re gonna hook up with Alicia again arent you.”
“Uh no because me and Alicia are dating..i just asked her out today.” Aiden said.
Bobby charged at Aiden .