Ficlets title... sowwy! (scavenger hunt challenge)

Molly looked up at the lanky girl and her friend walking past.

“Memphis, that’s impossible. No one would be able to make chocolate appear out of nowhere.”

“A witch could.”

“Not a real one. They can’t just make things appear.”

“How would you know?”

“Shadow’s wiccan.”

“Oh, of course. Shadow’s the most important person that you’ve never told me about!”

“Memphis, for the 47th time! Shadow has so many names you keep getting them mixed up! Jimmy, Shadow, Wolf, Spike… see what I’m getting at?”

“Oh, your boy toy!”

“Oh, shut up. This is just a game to you, isn’t it?”

“Maybe… how much money you got on you? I’m starving!”

“Saving money is easy. Figure it out. I’ve got $19.96.”

“You know I’ve never been good at creative writing!”

“What? Oh, why do I talk to such inferior individuals?”

“What did you call me?”

“Nothing. Ooh! Dude’s reading Inkheart!

“Go spoil the ending!”

“Nah, I’ll be nice. I’m not that mean. Let’s go to my house. Home Improvement’s on.”

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