
Johns Final Dream

Our story begins with a man named John.John works with the hospital as a nurse,and he only works there because he likes seeing the suffering and the ill.Tired, he gets up out of his chair and walks to his bedroom. Thinking happily about a patient who doesnt have family,John turns out his bedroom light and goes to sleep.That night,John has a dream. He dreams of an old ladies face,who says aloud to him “You must prove that you can give a good deed to just 3 people,or you shall suffer extreme fright and a very painfull death. You have till tomorrow at midday.”When John awakens that morning, he thinks hard about his dream, but he brushes it off.Afterall,its just a dream.

Morning news,next day:At 3 ocock yesterday, a freak accident took place on Char St.Officials say that a man,John Cook,died from 20 steak knives falling onto him after a careless woman threw them out of her window.The coronor says,however,that John died of fright,yet his death was very painfull as well

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