be careful. i put some fake facts in there!!! try and figure out which are real. :)
Let’s see, sam = nickname, 1988 = year of birth, shadow = pet name, 3 = fav number, princess bride = book, yes, dear = comedy, Chicago = birth city, science = favorite subject, breakable = favorite song?How’d I do?
Well, John did better than I would have! I feel for your ex-girl character.
I’m with John, those were my choices, too.It’s an intriguing little story. I want to know what happens next!
2 yrs.. ur nickname was breakable..
no, breakable was the song. (good job john!)i put the “fake” facts because you can never be too careful.. so the birthplace, year of birth, and nickname i won’t say.. but they are in there.
Myke is sooo the nickname! :)
I know all these!
John Perkins
Mistress Elsha Hawk
♠Ana Cristina♥
Disturbed Youth